The vibrating plate compactor is mainly suitable for compacting materials with low adhesion and friction between particles, such as river sand, crushed stone, and asphalt. The main working parameters of a vibrating plate compactor include: bottom area of the working plate, overall mass, excitation force, and excitation frequency. In general, the bottom plate area of the same specification of flat plates is similar, so the performance of flat plate impact compactors is mainly affected by the overall quality, excitation force, and excitation frequency of the machine. ఉత్తేజిత శక్తి ప్రధానంగా కాంపాక్ట్ పదార్థం యొక్క బలవంతపు వైబ్రేషన్ను నిర్వహించడానికి ఉపయోగిస్తారు; The excitation frequency affects the compaction efficiency and degree, that is, under the same excitation force, the higher the excitation frequency, the higher the compaction efficiency and compactness.